Many believe that if they have an SEO expert, they’re set! While search engine optimization experts get a lot of praise for their expertise and results, it’s often the SEO content experts that are turning out your improved organic rankings.

Reach your audiences and cultivate your brand messaging with SEO content writing and management services. With a customized approach, you can avoid content stuffing, identify duplicate content and preserve your brand messaging using unique, SEO-friendly content.

SEO Content Marketing Services You’ll Love

Check out my content marketing, blog management and SEO optimizing services! I’m also happy to assist in any blog posting, editorial consulting and more.

  • SEO Website Content, Blogs & Repurposing

    Curate SEO-friendly website content, update your blog and repurpose existing content with fresh, relevant and grammatically-correct material. With a little bit of patience and by using the right keywords, your SEO and content writing can significantly impact and improve your organic rankings.

  • SEO Optimizations

    Blogs can be repurposed, but for web pages, let’s optimize! Set a solid foundation for your online presence with SEO optimizations and content pruning. Let’s identify duplicate SEO content, provide new material where it’s needed and optimize your meta-data today!

  • Content Consulting

    Content consultations don’t always need to include SEO. I’ve collaborated with many editorial and content creation departments to help strategize the best approaches for their content using SEO data and reliable KPIs. Make informed, creative decisions for your social, content and digital marketing strategies through action-driven conversations.



When was the last time your website content was updated? Are you aware that adding a new blog can improve your rankings? Would you like to use data to drive your content strategy rather than shooting into the dark? When working with an SEO content expert, these questions will be addressed with skill and confidence.

By most accounts, SEO content marketing is niche: it requires the touch of a writer, the sharp eye of an editor, the spirit of a branding expert and the knowledge of an SEO professional to help businesses reach their goals.

Avoid the typos, grammatical errors and brand misconceptions SEO professionals leave behind. Take advantage of a content expert with the experience in B2B, eCommerce, small business, technology, real estate and fashion content marketing experience with custom solutions. Work with Natalie to strategize your content marketing plan today!

Looking for an expert in SEO Content Marketing? Contact me here.

Salt Lake City, UT